I am having a strange issue with an object mock. g...
# mockk
I am having a strange issue with an object mock. given:
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        every { AppLockedState.isLocked() } answers { locked }
it seems to be executing the
method rather than using the answer. it's complaining that Boolean can't be cast to one of the types being used in the method implementation
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java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to <redacted>.SDKContext$State
at <redacted>_1_Proxy.getCurrentState(Unknown Source:19)
at <redacted>.AppLockedState.isLocked(AppLockedState.kt:34)
it's because of the way
works by recording calls. it's also recording the call from a separate mocked object that is invoked by
. it's then using the same answer for both calls
hmm, i am not able to find any workaround for this issue
It should not execute, should intercept, maybe you have some kind of extension method.
Whatever it is, try to mininize your example and submit via github issur
I tried filtering out the subsequent call with a matcher, but then it threw an error about not being able to find a match for it