Hi, I'm trying to mock a static method that takes ...
# mockk
Hi, I'm trying to mock a static method that takes a
() -> Unit
function as a parameter, but the matchers seem not to be able to get the mocking signature:
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io.mockk.MockKException: Failed matching mocking signature for

left matchers: [any()]
What am I missing? I know that equality with lambdas can be a nightmare, but can't seem to find documentation on this.
This is the object I'm trying to mock.
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package mu

import mu.internal.KLoggerFactory

actual object KotlinLogging {
     * This method allow defining the logger in a file in the following way:
     * val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
    actual fun logger(func: () -> Unit): KLogger = KLoggerFactory.logger(func)

    actual fun logger(name: String): KLogger = KLoggerFactory.logger(name)
I should have done