i've got something like: ``` private val dummyP...
# mockk
i've got something like:
Copy code
private val dummyPacket = mockk<RtpPacket> {
        every { this@mockk getProperty "payloadType" } returns originalPayloadType
        every { this@mockk getProperty "ssrc" } returns originalSsrc
i've tried using
instead, which appears to be working better, but still fails for one of the properties. this property is held in the parent class, would that have any affect? it's also of type
, would that be an issue?
maybe also notable is that this property is in a parent java class?
it looks like this is related to a property in a java parent? i can stub out a property in a kotlin class, a property in a kotlin parent class of the class, but not a property in a java parent class