How to properly `mockk / verify` a lambda? Looks l...
# mockk
How to properly
mockk / verify
a lambda? Looks like
Copy code
val observer = mockk<(Int) -> Unit>() 
observer( 1) 
verify { observer( 1 ) }
Is not working. Tbh I didn't test exactly that code, I was trying within an Android LiveData, but replacing the mockk with a real lambda i can see right output printed in the console. Same with
Lambda should be straightforward as in Kotlin lambda always implements interface
Can you please tell what error you face
This is my code:
Copy code
val liveData = MutableLiveData<Int>()
val observer = mockk<(Int) -> Unit>()
val lifecycleOwner = mockk<LifecycleOwner>( relaxed = true )
val lifecycle = LifecycleRegistry( lifecycleOwner )
lifecycle.handleLifecycleEvent( Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME )
liveData.observe( lifecycleOwner, observer )
liveData.value = 1
verify( exactly = 1 ) { observer( 1 ) }
observer( 1 )
has not been called, but replacing the mock with
{ println( it ) }
I can see 1 printed in the console
I didn't try the snipped mentioned in the first post directly because I had to leave my pc, but I can't see why the result should be different 🙄 ( maybe I'm wrong )