<@U7TJY2ZD3> Hi Oleksiy, I was wondering, are the ...
# mockk
@oleksiyp Hi Oleksiy, I was wondering, are the mocks generated by Mockk final? And if so why? Can they be made non-final?
I think they are not final. I can check. But actually, you can see that the reason is: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError-->com/foo/service/Foo$ByteBuddy$vscid5z3$ByteBuddy$LSYFaVIs
This means it is not able to find it in JARs I believe
which is logical
it is generated on the fly
To sum up. I need to investigate it. please fill in github issue with the minimum reproducible code. Usually, tbh I resolve the issue regarding MockK very slow these days. I became a tech lead at my work and doing a lot of responsibilities of team leader till we hire him. Alike I spend weekend per month to tackle with a bunch of issues. But will see what can be done if it is really a blocker for you and other users.
Usually, tbh I resolve the issue regarding MockK very slow these days.
Oh, that's a shame. I guess the community needs to step up and start really helping out. It will take me a while to generate a minimum reproducible example so bear with me.