I updated to Kotlin 1.7.0 and now the cocoapods pl...
# ios
I updated to Kotlin 1.7.0 and now the cocoapods plugin tries to build a dependency for armv7 for some reason, why? That dependency doesn’t support armv7.
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ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/ribesg/XcodeProjects/events/build/cocoapods/synthetic/IOS/build/Release-iphoneos/MDFInternationalization/MDFInternationalization.framework/MDFInternationalization, building for iOS-armv7 but attempting to link with file built for iOS-arm64
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
  "_MDFRectFlippedHorizontally", referenced from:
      -[MDCTextField textRectForBounds:] in MDCTextField.o
      -[MDCTextField editingRectForBounds:] in MDCTextField.o
  "_MDFInsetsFlippedHorizontally", referenced from:
      -[MDCFloatingButton insetBoundsForBounds:] in MDCFloatingButton.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Also, I have
set to
Copy code
/Users/ribesg/XcodeProjects/events/build/cocoapods/synthetic/IOS/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 15.5.99. (in target 'MDFTextAccessibility' from project 'Pods')
The failing command:
Copy code
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':podBuildMaterialComponents_TextFieldsIphoneos'.
> Executing of 'xcodebuild -project Pods.xcodeproj -scheme MaterialComponents -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release' failed with code 65 and message: 
  Command line invocation:
      /Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -project Pods.xcodeproj -scheme MaterialComponents -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release
  User defaults from command line:
      IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
  Build settings from command line:
      SDKROOT = iphoneos15.5
Worth filling on YouTrack?
Did you find a solution?