I've just updated AS to Bumble Bee and my Mac inst...
# ios
I've just updated AS to Bumble Bee and my Mac installation is now complaining that CocoaPods isn't installed. It is, and it's the latest version (1.11.2), as is cocoapods-generate. I've restarted, cleared caches, and sacrficed half a dozen virgins but it still won't work. Any suggestions?
Hi Mark, Could you please share the project sync log?
Copy code
* What went wrong:\
Execution failed for task ':mobilemanegesharedmodule:podInstall'.\
> 'pod install' command failed with an exception:\
   Cannot run program "pod" (in directory "/Users/Mark/StudioProjects/mm/ios"): error=2, No such file or directory\
          Possible reason: CocoaPods is not installed\
          Please check that CocoaPods v1.10 or above and cocoapods-generate plugin are installed.\
          To check CocoaPods version type 'pod --version' in the terminal\
          To install CocoaPods execute 'sudo gem install cocoapods'\
          To install cocoapod-generate execute 'sudo gem install cocoapods-generate'\
There is, indeed no file called "Pod" in that directory, and, even tho' it is installed, "whereis" can't find it. I notice that it's also complaining that git isn't installed, although it is. "whereis" can find that one, though. This is perhaps down to my lack of familiarity with the Mac, but it worked with Arctic Fox 😕
It seems like Android Studio does not load PATH environment variable and therefor gradle tasks can not find paths to pod and git binaries to execute them. I’m not sure why it happens but to pinpoint the problem i’d suggest the following: 1. Try to create a brand new KMM project with KMM wizard and see if it syncs or not. 2. Try to run some gradle tasks in terminal within AS or in Terminal app directly, for example
./gradlew podImport
Thanks for that @Viacheslav Kormushkin Looks like a combination of my error and AS's. I'd not set JAVA_HOME correctly. However correcting it (& restarting the computer) didn't help, only then (re)running the podImport fixed that. It still couldn't find git, but simply looking at the Git setup in AS preferences (ie not changing them) fixed it 😱 Thanks again.
hm, that sounds really odd, but anyway glad to hear the problem is solved blob smile happy
@MarkRS When you restarted your macOS computer, you had it reopen windows on its own, which included Android Studio, right? If so, it's possible it's the same issue as here: https://github.com/runningcode/gradle-doctor/issues/188
@louiscad wow, thanks for pointing out this issue, I personally was not aware of it
I wasn't either until a Linux experienced friend that also uses macOS told me about it just as I was losing my mind over a java home issue the Gradle Doctor plugin was complaining about. I guess this can be useful knowledge for the WIP kdoctor project 😉
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@louiscad No, I generally don't let my Mac re-open AS automatically on startup. This is largely because KDE on Linux won't do it so I didn't expect the Mac to. I now know (I did try it before this thread) it will do it, I still don't generally let it, though. I'll check that link out though, thanx!