Hi all. Having issues building my ios project with...
# ios
Hi all. Having issues building my ios project with release configuration. It seems to fail when building the kotlin multiplatform library with
Copy code
Execution failed for task ':app:linkReleaseFrameworkIosX64'.
> Task :login:linkReleaseFrameworkIosX64 FAILED
e: Compilation failed: null

 * Source files: 
 * Compiler version info: Konan: 1.6.10 / Kotlin: 1.6.10
 * Output kind: FRAMEWORK

e: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.optimizations.DataFlowIR$SymbolTable.mapClassReferenceType(DataFlowIR.kt:520)
With very little to go on. Should note that it builds successfully for
. Anyone encountered this before? full 🪵 in the 🧵
Hello, @xxfast! Could you please file an issue at kotl.in/issue and provide a project to reproduce the error locally?
Will do 👍
@Artyom Degtyarev [JB] Slowly extracting this module out so i can isolate whats causing this issue, so this might take a while. Is there any indication on where the issue might be, looking at the trace log above? that might help this isolating go a little faster
here’s the whole release build log that fails ⚠️
here’s the debug build that is successful