What tactic should I use for the following scenari...
# ios
What tactic should I use for the following scenario? • I have an existing XCode project that uses XCodegen and a Podfile • I created a KMM project with logic I want to share between JVM and iOS What steps should I take to use my logic in my XCode project? Should I create fat frameworks? An XCFramework? Something else?
XCFramework, ideally.
Ah then I was on the right track. What would be the best way to reference it in xcode? Do I need to create a podspec file?
Nope you don't. Just import it like any other XCFramework. If you don't find where, I think a Google search will quickly give the right hints.
Ah yes, it works when adding it to a target's frameworks and libraries, but that of course gets reset when I run pod install 🤔
Is there a way for Podfile to include an XCFramework without having to create a podspec file?
I'd search for the issues you have on Google, you're probably not the first who gets stuff reset by Cocoapods.
If you’re adding the xcframework to your app’s project and not the cocoapods project, it shouldn’t be getting reset.
Hm perhaps I'm confusing some things. If I add my XCFramework to a target's frameworks and libraries and run
xcodegen generate
, then the XCFramework is removed again right?
@nhaarman I randomly found this searching around for a different issue, but if you’re using xcodegen you need to define the dependency in the project spec: https://github.com/yonaskolb/XcodeGen/blob/master/Docs/ProjectSpec.md#dependency