This was supposed to have worked back here: <https...
# ios
This was supposed to have worked back here: ...but I think it since broke and has never worked again. Can't work out why this isn't a priority for AppCode team; being able to use AppCode on KMM projects would be a dream for the devs on my team. We'd definitely be buying licenses.
👍 1
I used it back then, it “worked” but it barely worked. E.g. debugging Kotlin was completely broken, weird sync issues, etc
@Tijl KMM on AppCode makes so much sense from a 'completing the circle of capabilities' point-of-view, that I can only assume [JB] are waiting for some aspects of Kotlin Native to mature e.g. new memory model; before revisiting AppCode integration.
It's just too big a miss to not be thinking about it at all.
Maybe they're thinking even bigger "Mobile Studio"
i think "Mobile Studio" will be very laggy if it will be created 😞 at now IDEA and AS with multiplatform already have many lags at big projects...with requirement for index swift code too it will be even worse
If they build it, I'll buy the beast to run it 😄