I am trying to use `WKScriptMessageHandlerProtocol...
# ios
I am trying to use
which has one abstract function defined, but when building the project it wants me to implement all of the members for NSObject? Does anyone know how to fix that?
Subclass from NSObject? I don't know it is possible to subclass
this is how it is defined in kotlin mp
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@kotlinx.cinterop.ExternalObjCClass public interface WKScriptMessageHandlerProtocol : platform.darwin.NSObjectProtocol {
    @kotlinx.cinterop.ObjCMethod public abstract fun userContentController(userContentController: platform.WebKit.WKUserContentController, didReceiveScriptMessage: platform.WebKit.WKScriptMessage): kotlin.Unit
message has been deleted
Looks like you can fix it by extending NSObject
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val scriptMessageHandler: platform.WebKit.WKScriptMessageHandlerProtocol = object : platform.WebKit.WKScriptMessageHandlerProtocol, NSObject() {
    override fun userContentController(
        userContentController: WKUserContentController,
        didReceiveScriptMessage: WKScriptMessage
    ) {
        println("Received the following message ${didReceiveScriptMessage.body}")
yep, and you’d have to do the same in Swift IIRC
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