Hey there, I’m using kotlin to create a function t...
# ios
Hey there, I’m using kotlin to create a function that returns a view, but I’m having issues finding documentation about creating elements using the UIKit, for example, I already have buttons and labels, but I have no idea on how to add an image.. someone can point me in the right direction?
is used to hold an image. The documentation for UIKit is on Apple’s developer site. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit?language=objc
Right now I have something like:
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    lateinit var logo: UIImageView

override fun viewDidLoad() {

logo = UIImageView().apply {
            image = UIImage.imageNamed("something")

But I don’t think it’s right, because I don’t even know how to add a url for the image
You should use asset catalogs and reference the image by name that way. If you’re crossing over bundles/modules it gets trickier. By default it will look in the main bundle for your image. If you have images in another framework, you’ll have to get a reference to the bundle for that framework and pass that in as a parameter. Using asset catalogs also lets you support dark mode by specifying an alternate image in the catalog. Here’s an example in Swift.
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let image = UIImage(named: "imageName", in: Bundle(for: MyClass.self),                               compatibleWith: self.view.traitCollection)