I am having trouble calling certain iOS functions ...
# ios
I am having trouble calling certain iOS functions from Kotlin/Native How would I for example call this method? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsstring/1407654-write I have tried using variations like this, but it does not seem to compile no matter what I try:
val contents = "File contents"
val filename = "some.file"
val res = contents.writeToFile(filename, true, NSUTF8StringEncoding)
I have succeeded using the simpler overload without encoding end error, but the
is causing me problems. How can I supply/catch that parameter from Kotlin?
Hi! As there is a pointer to
in the function signature, one should allocate the object in native memory, and then pass it to the function. For example, like
Copy code
memScoped {
    val error = alloc<ObjCObjectVar<NSError?>>()
    ("SampleText" as NSString).writeToFile(
        path ="/absolute/path/toWrite/text",
        atomically =true,
                    encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding,
        error =error.ptr)
OK, thanks. I will try that later 🙂 Do I need to free up the memory myself since it is called using alloc, or will that be reclaimed automatically?
If it is done in the
block, it will be released automatically as soon as the block ends. There are other ways to work with native memory in K/N, see here(https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-native/blob/v1.3.60/INTEROP.md#memory-allocation) and here(https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlinx.cinterop/-arena/index.html).
Thank you!