Is there a way to mount sub routers? context: Lets...
# javalin
Is there a way to mount sub routers? context: Lets say I want to make an OrderService and a UserService - both of them will return a router/route object or something and in main I want to mount them onto my main router - is that possible?
You can pass the Javalin instance into your service, there is no support for adding a group
Javalin encourages you to keep all your routes in the same file
How do i allow multiple devs to work on independent services and export a router to be mounted in that ‘one’ same file? You know? Like microservices but still in one app
Where each service returns routes to be mounted to the base
that sounds a bit contradictory 🤔
what is the reason for not wanting all the routes in one file if it is in fact one service ?
No - i am not saying it wont be in one file - i want them in one file I m asking - how can I organise it such that when you read that file the routes are grouped by services rather than this route goes to this handler - that route goes to this handler etc
Like a modular sub router design
i'm not sure if i understand, could you write pseudo code for what you want to achieve ?
a This one is more geared towards vertx - but same thought Iterate over all services’ subrouters and mount them to a single global main router
it looks like they're just doing this:
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fun main() {

    val app = Javalin ... 
    val userService = UserService(deps)
    val smsService = SmsService(deps)

since the
class in javalin uses a temporary static variable (which is only valid inside the scope of a
call), you could potentially build your own fancy DSL for this (although i don't really recommend it)
Beautiful that’s what I was looking for - thanks!
So the javalin instance can be passed around np?
sure, it's just an object, pass it wherever you want
i've seen people use that pattern before
this tutorial does something similar:
but i have never actually read the whole thing 😅
Is the pattern same if one service is exporting routes and one is exporting websocket handlers?
yes, they're both functions that basically add a lambda to a list of lambdas in the router
the signature for the websocket handler is
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fun handleWs(ws: WsHandler) {
so you could make something like
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class MyService{
    fun addRoutes(app: Javalin) {
        app.get(path ::myGetHandler)
        <|>(path ::myWsHandler)
Oh beautiful
Dude thank you so much 🙏
No problem