In MysqlConnection, this is how you check the amou...
# jasync-sql
In MysqlConnection, this is how you check the amount of params
Copy code
val totalParameters = params.query.count { it == '?' }
I guess it's the same in postgres, where really it should be a regex to make sure that the
is not surrounded by quotes.
yes, it's pretty simplistic. we dont really parse the request
can you open an issue for that?
I guess there isn't really any workarounds for this 🙈?
At least until it gets fixed...
the workaround is to use query instead of prepared statement
the fix will probably be a simpler check. I don't want to compile the expression
I don't know how much you'll save from a simpler check... compiling the expression is only once per connection creation.
You might want to benchmark the difference between the "simpler" algorithm (using a biggish/complex sql statement) and the regex version
do you know how to compile it?
can you try double question marks?
It does't really make sense that ?? should help, but we can try...
params.query.count { it == '?' }
should report two extra ? instead of one...
It does work though 🤔...
Oh... the implementation of Mysql's
is different.