Hello everyone. Kable is compatible with M1 Mac pr...
# juul-libraries
Hello everyone. Kable is compatible with M1 Mac processors??
Not yet, but https://github.com/JuulLabs/kable/pull/209 will be merged/released soon and provide that support.
Ok, very cool. But I can develop to Android and iOS target using Kable and M1 processor host without issue 209 be completed??
👌 1
I don't have access to an M1 yet, so I can't say for certain, but my understanding is you can still compile Kable for Mac and simulator on an M1 (pre PR 209) if you use Rosetta. iOS should already work (and shouldn't need Rosetta).
The issues that PR 209 solves is providing a workaround for compatibility of compiling JavaScript target on M1, and adding targets for Mac OS and simulator for M1s.
Ok Travis, thank you very much