My ambition is that you could do this easily with ...
# minutest
My ambition is that you could do this easily with an annotation, but the simplest way would be to write a version of the test(name) {} that wrapped the block to reverse its behaviour
actually I like this idea even more than using Annotations. I see what you mean and I'll try to do some experiments. I wonder if I can change JUnit5Minutests interface in a way to add the WIP behavior. The only conditions would be to have only one root test for file, but this is exactly I am writing them so far.
I’d look at adding an extension function to TestContext, it should be possible to do it without touching the runner
I’m happy to help, but I’m afraid I’m interested in how someone who isn’t intimate with the internals gets on, so will leave you to figure it out and tell me what I need to document if that’s OK
Sure, I'll try as soon as I have a spare evening