Sigh. I know <@U0FMXU16E> warned us, but IntelliJ ...
# minutest
Sigh. I know @christophsturm warned us, but IntelliJ now defaulting to Gradle to run tests is a royal pain. Not only do the names get rendered badly, but if you have
then tests won't run at all if their results are cached.
is there a youtrack for the second problem? there should probably be issues for both
You can at least revert
the caching thing is definitely not great for the names, there is which probably factors into it
I thought they only delegated build/run by default, not test?
So build and run are through Gradle now? Test definitely changed to Gradle when I finally upgraded this morning, at least until I found the setting above. I’m actually in favour of the change overall - Gradle seems to be smart enough these days for me not to want a different IDE and CI build system. It’s just a shame that it doesn’t work well with JUnit dynamic tests. Maybe it’s time to shift over to our own test engine and deprecate the dynamic tests
The 'Run tests using' setting is unchanged - you'd have to set that to the Gradle test runner to actually have Gradle run the tests
Nice thing about the Gradle runner is it can run your tests in parallel
IntelliJ helpfully set Run Tests Using to Gradle on upgrade. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t that before.
I might try the parallel running - I’ve relied on parallel module building up to now, but it doesn’t help with a single module like Minutest. Does IntelliJ descramble the console output?
Yeah - those tests are off running in individual forks and Gradle's reporting the output back
I usually just do -
Copy code
tasks.withType(Test) {
        maxParallelForks = gradle.startParameter.maxWorkerCount
is the number of cores on your machine
junit also has its own parallel running support and that is even faster because it does not fork