Interesting to see Dart starting to support Wasm a...
# webassembly
Interesting to see Dart starting to support Wasm as well
👍 7
🙏 1
It is taking way too long for Kotlin to get WASM support 🐌. At the current rate Kotlin will be far behind the competition.
I disagree, I think the timing will be perfect to take the "Wasm for high-level languages" wave and not loose too much energy on building workarounds for stuff which ongoing proposals will handle. Also the multiplatform architecture will be a competitive advantage. The most important point is to take the good direction, build a dedicated team and I think Kotlin team does with Kotlin/Wasm. Like you I can't wait using it, but WebAssembly is a marathon not a sprint, so we have to be patient even if sometimes that's frustrating.
It is taking way too long for Kotlin to get WASM support
WASM itself is not ready yet, core technologies are still in development (like GC), so “too long” for what?
Too long to get something basic out the door that is in a experimental (preview) state. An absent GC isn't going to prevent everything from being done. Some things can be done without a GC. The Kotlin WASM team should look at the possibility of providing a system to migrate Kotlin Native libraries (the ones that heavily rely on using C libraries) to WASM. Such a system would provide a big boost to the Kotlin WASM development platform.
Well without gc it wouldn't work for any real life use case