Hi, I've got a Kotlin/JVM program which I would li...
# webassembly
Hi, I've got a Kotlin/JVM program which I would like to port to wasm. What's wrong with the deprecated version? When's the new version coming out? Would I be better compiling to JS in the mean time? (Even if I go offline I'll be back online tomorrow)
Deprecated version? What do you mean? Are you talking about deprecated Kotlin/Native Wasm compilation? If so, it wouldn't be very easy to use it, you have to port your program to K/N first
There is no Kotlin Wasm backend yet, it still in development, and even when it will be released, it probably would be a very early version, it also rely on new, not released in modern browsers, Wasm runtime with GC support
If your goal is to launch your program on browser, Kotlin JS is way to go
I'd suggest going with js as main target, but trying to keep as much code as possible in common sourceSet
This way you'll be able to port it quicker when new k wasm comes out
If you'd still like to play around with kn wasm, here's something to get you started https://gitlab.com/lt.petuska/kvdom
Also #kvdom if you have further questions