What makes LLVM not suitable for wasm? Isn’t that ...
# webassembly
What makes LLVM not suitable for wasm? Isn’t that what Rust is using? I was under the impression that it worked very well for it.
Depends on use case. If you have existing native project, that already uses some C libs etc, and you want run it on wasm, it's fine of course But in general idea to compile to bit code which is like CPU abstraction and than compile it back to wasm which is essentially bytecode and has nothing to do with CPU is not really efficient (it's like compile for JVM using llvm), if you can compile to wasm directly So it may work for some projects, but it will be slow and not so efficient imo
Isn’t that as it applies to GC’d languages and not so much against ones that use other techniques like reference counting?
There are also compile time and generated wasm size factors