<@U8LCS2KK9> Is the Kotlin/WebAssembly target curr...
# webassembly
@jetbrains Is the Kotlin/WebAssembly target currently under any active development? https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/wasm-wasi-where-do-you-go-kotlin/12175/3
Very concerning that Kotlin's WASM support has come to a standstill, unless there are some recent developments that JB will be sharing soon.
What are the plans for Kotlin's WASM support?
What missing features are you waiting to be implemented?
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Some major features that are missing: - Access to JS APIs (eg manipulate the DOM) - Automated memory management (GC/ARC) - High level data types (eg Strings) - Bi directional communication layer between WASM and Kotlin Native (eg have a Kotlin library on one platform that can be accessed on another platform) - Coroutines/multi threading support - Exception handling
- Everything @napperley suggested ✔️ - Coroutines & Serialization are fundamentals for useful App development (and a blocker for me to use WASM) - Ktor Client Support would be a 'gold standard' (as this is a JB project)
One thing that would be nice (not essential but would provide Kotlin with a large advantage over its competitors) is to have a WASM web front-end library/framework: - Designed from the ground up to target WASM via Kotlin Native - Does things that are Kotlinic (idiomatic Kotlin/ aka the Kotlin way) - Provides good performance - Has a standard way to easily develop custom web controls - Isn't heavily reliant on a major JS library/framework - Uses a easy build/deployment process - Provides a rapid/iterative prototyping system (eg hot code reloading) - Code based DSL system for building/managing views (including data binding/styling)
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...such a thing would be a huge enabler. In Mobile Dev, myself and colleagues are universally of the view that we've love to be able to work in web front-end, to treat the browser as another client; just not at the cost of having to touch JavaScript.
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One of the biggest issues with Kotlin JS is dealing with a complex build system imposed by JS (so many steps that shouldn't be needed to do basic things). Also the JS ecosystem moves at a ridiculously fast pace, which at times is overwhelming to deal with for back-end/mobile/desktop developers. There is a opportunity with WASM for Kotlin to do front-end stuff (from the ground up) at a sane pace that developers can easily keep up with, which isn't bogged down by a new JS trend/standard ( https://xkcd.com/927/ - aka JS fatigue ) that lasts about 3-6 months 😆.
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Further development of LLVM-based Kotlin WASM isn’t our top priority indeed, but another backend specially for WASM is being considered.
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Thanks @olonho ...feels like it could be a missed opportunity, but it's good to have an answer either way.
@napperley 😭
@olonho Maybe you have already seen it; but for your consideration this WASM transpiler project looks impressively made: https://github.com/mirkosertic/Bytecoder
@olonho Glad to hear that 👏
I don't think that it is missed opportunity. K/N (and llvm toolchain in general) is definitely not the best choice for wasm. I would say it's focus of effort. All feature requests mentioned above are hardly related to K/N in general. And Kotlin JS or even separate backend is way to achieve it, not llvm and k/n
I’ve just started reading the wish list and I already see that it has nothing to do with Kotlin. This is mostly a list of missing things in WASM that we are all waiting for.
Exactly my thoughts! Most of those things just do not exist in wasm (or on some technical preview stage)
Ok, thanks for the enlightenment 👍