And I personnaly think that when it will have GC a...
# webassembly
And I personnaly think that when it will have GC and concurency, it would be the perfect target plateform for Intellij IDEA. Desktop Java is clearly not something very well suppported by Oracle, and for long term I don't see a bright future for this plateform. WebAssembly has only 20% performance penalty compared to native, and could allow to run something as complex as IDEA in the browser in a secured way. The competition will be hard with VSCode + GitHub on long term. So while this would be a huge work to move from the JVM, at some point I think this will be needed, and I think WebAsssmbly would be a great target plateform that could allow to provide both web and standalone versions.
👆 1
Converting IntelliJ to a web app via WASM would be very difficult to do. For one thing there are no straightforward path(s) to convert a Swing/JavaFX app to a web app. Another is that Swing/JavaFX are significantly different from HTML/web (design wise) making a conversion non trivial. Basically a rewrite ( ) would need to be done otherwise the UX would be completely awful.
Microsoft did have plans to develop a web version of VS however it has been shelved. Apples and oranges are being compared with VS Code being a programmer's text editor, and IntelliJ being a IDE.
If you can run AutoCAD in the browser, you can run Intellij in the browser. For example with a canvas or WebGL based renderer built on top of curent Swing/JavaFx API.
VS code is not leveraging WebAssembly + concurency power yet, but it will at some point.
I agree 100% WebAssembly is game changer, and many people will be surprised really soon, shame on Oracle for not even trying to support it
Oracle is working on that, that's one of the many reasons why I think JetBrains should work on that seriously
Oh i thought they didn't plan to target WebAssembly
that changes everything then