Is there a way to use charts.kt in an opensource p...
# data2viz
Is there a way to use charts.kt in an opensource project?
👀 2
Can you tell us a little bit more about the project? We have EAP versions that contain watermark and logging, and then we have free licenses for students, academics, and non-profit organizations. It could be possible to link an EAP version in the open-source project and then ask for a license depending on the use.
Sure, I'm currently exploring how to build user-interfaces for Simulation state will be provisioned as json via some REST endpoint (easy part), and I'm contemplating how to visualize the simulations. When browsing through demos, I though that charts.kt might be a good fit.
If you browsed the examples on and found samples that fit with your needs, then it should be ok. Charts-kt is, like data2viz, a library that needs to be compiled in a Kotlin project. If you are planning to build a front-end in the browser, you have to develop a Kotlin frontend in Kotlin/JS to integrate the charts.
I got that. That's exactly what I would want to do and present as example in the repo.
What you can do: 1. try charts.kt using Kotlin/JS with version
2. register on our forum where I will give you the credential for a license. 3. we can then adjust your build scripts to test the presence of credentials to switch the implementation.