Is it feasible to recreate something like Wikipedi...
# data2viz
Is it feasible to recreate something like Wikipedia's map projections with data2viz? (including outputting an SVG) Example here: I've fooled around with the geo visualization a bit, but I figured I'd ask about capability before diving in more
I think so. We have the code to transform geojson elements to paths through an orthographic projection. See this link about the geo module: We also have an extension on Path to retrieve the corresponding svg string. See: You could use this to generate a complete SVG with your own style.
Very cool. It seems like the tool Wikipedia uses to make them is super outdated, running some on some type of weird pascal program (or at least it was when I last checked). It'd be great to have an open source and easy to use one! I'll be reading up on that link you posted, thanks for the info 🙂