Having a coverage question with respect to using t...
# code-coverage
Having a coverage question with respect to using the
elvis operator to provide a default: If I have code that does something like:
Copy code
val x = nullableObject?.method() ?: default
JaCoCo tells me I have one of 4 branches uncovered. If I change that to:
Copy code
val nullableX = nullableObject?.method()
    val x = nullableX ?: default
JaCoCo tells me all branches are covered (2 branches per line). I'm guessing the "uncovered" branch is when
is non-null, but
returns null -- is there a way to get JaCoCo to realize that branch is not possible based on
not being nullable? Or is there a better practice here?
Hello how did you solve this, i got a lot of cases like this and is a pin in the ...
no great solutions here, there's the 2 line version if need full coverage, or just deal with the uncovered branch depending on the context
ok thanks