Hi everyone. I recently started exploring Micronau...
# micronaut
Hi everyone. I recently started exploring Micronaut, liking a lot about it. And then I came across the annotation processing bug (JetBrains' issue) which @graeme linked to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-15040 from https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-core/issues/1936. Is there still no workaround? Right now, I need to run a gradle task before I can run/debug my Micronaut app and it's a big drain in productivity.
I suggest you try their gitter, it's more active than here... In the end I think I just always delegate to Gradle. Any reason why you wouldn't?
Couple of reasons: 1) it's longer to start (why run the whole Gradle process when I can just launch my main) and 2) when I launch
gradle run
from IDEA, the console doesn't display the output (probably an IDEA bug)