I am trying to run ktor wrapped in micronaut /w `i...
# micronaut
I am trying to run ktor wrapped in micronaut /w
. I am getting the flowing error when trying to run from InteliJ 2018.3.
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
. I have the annotation processing set and have it running the
before run to generate the stuff for DI. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Note I only get this when running from idea intellij. If I simply do a
./gradlew run
everything is just fine… I must just have something misconfigured but I don’t know what…
Do you have delegation to Gradle enabled?
I did try that as well. This only happens when the project was a module in a multi-module project. When I moved it out to its own project the problem went away.
I will see if I can reproduce this in an open project this weekend and will share it out if I can. Again, it is probably just me but I did try to debug this quite a while before I gave up 😅