I've just finished the first draft of tensorflow i...
# mathematics
I've just finished the first draft of tensorflow integration for KMath (using graph lazy computation of course). https://github.com/mipt-npm/kmath/tree/feature/tensorflow. Comments are welcome (especially from @zaleslaw). I plan to add more operations as extensions, direct operation builder (use tensorflow graph directly with some improvements from a special scope in algebra). Compilation of MST to graph (expressions and preliminary optimizations).
🔝 2
Hi, great news, what is the goal of this integration, where can I find some examples?
The goal is to provide low-level tensor and StructureND API implementation over TF. And to allow people create TF lazy graph without the usual boilerplate. Right now I have only one test that shows it is actually working, but we can implement some examples by @Ролан's team since they rely only on tenor API. Several operations are still not implemented, but I will fix that.
So, the idea is pretty clear, I will wait for full implementation or more tests/examples, to understand all the benefits
The primary benefit is that you can do computations with "slow" core and then switch to "fast" tensorflow. As for tensorflow itself, we use lazy graph API even for intermediate computations, so in theory it should be very fast. Need to test all that though.