I have an idea (and not only as IDE). There are a ...
# mathematics
I have an idea (and not only as IDE). There are a lot of scientific and mathematic libraries in Kotlin so it would be nice to have a semi-regular seminar on those libraries, where authors present what they are doing. We can arrange the virtual meetings under the JetBrains research. Please write to me if you want to present something. cc @roman.belov
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It would also be helpful to know difference between similar libs. It would be even better, of there was ≤ 1 jetbrains kotlin lib for each purpose. At least, science-related
Science does never work this way.
Even inside the ONE company?
JetBrains can't cover everything. RlThey are not omnipotent. Also in science you always need the ability to experiment.
Why can't people experiment within 1 library?
Because not all experiments are successful. For example kmath and Multik have conceptually different architecture design. We do not know, which one will be better.
Ok, it would be great to have a single place with list of libs and their difference
(jetbrains libs, not global)
https://kotlinlang.org/docs/data-science-overview.html, but it not fully up to date. Also libraries like kmath and Viktor are not JB official. I bought ksciece.space domain. If anybody wants to help with the landing, it would be welcome.