hi! , playing with bezier curve <https://github.co...
# mathematics
Looks good. What is it for?
For Android obviously
@emedinaa Could you do it in 3D?
I mean, what are these splines supposed to visualize.
@altavir I could do it 🙂
They you can contribute to https://github.com/mipt-npm/visionforge. I believe there are bezier curves somewhere in examples. As for Android, we do not currently have renderers for is save for three-js. Do you think it makes sense to use android-native renderer?
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@altavir oh it is awesome !, I would like to contribute on this repository. About android native renderer other option is opengl right?
I am not sure. It is not very complicated to add opengl rendered on top of https://github.com/markaren/three.kt or similar library, yet we are currently focused on JS implementation because it is the most universal. For JavaFX the main problem is orbital camera. It is not complicated, but I do not have time to fix it. Most of the geometries are already in common, so they could be ported to any renderer that supports polygons
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