<@U5F0TT0UX> how dynamic are these additional meta...
# mathematics
@altavir how dynamic are these additional metadata? wouldn't that add some overhead for each matrix? Is that something other libs do?
I do not think anyone uses it yet (all libraries I know use types for that). As for overhead, it could be different. Zero for matrix without features (empty set). Few references for marker features (like diagonal etc.). And could double the matrix size for example if it holds it's inversed form. This is from memory point of view. From CPU it is always zero.
That's true we could have metadata by reference.
The idea is that the type specifies the inner storage format, and it does not make sense to use it to designate features of data. Also it is possible to infer the features without changing the data. I think, I will make this feature set to an interface to be able to add it to other data objects.