<@U2H3SABQF> I want to move the discussion to a mo...
# science
@elect I want to move the discussion to a more relevant chat. I've implemented basic plotly map API and will deploy dev version shortly. It does not have the quality you want yet. For it we need to use openstreeetmap API. I will return to it tomorrow.
K 7
🔥 4
Here is the example: https://github.com/mipt-npm/plotly.kt/blob/dev/examples/src/main/kotlin/geo/saxony.kt. Dynamic should work with
I believe that your video has more fine-grained split between regions, so you will have to use OpenStreetMap after all. But I believe that Plotly can work with it as well. I will try to add appropriate API tomorrow.
the fine-grained regions depend on the map and not on the input data, am I right?
Yes. Basically, you have region geometry with indices, then you give array of those indices and text/hover label and value arrays with the same dimensions.
It is also possible to use collor dots, which is much easier. For those you need only coordinates
do you need an hand?
what about this?
Yes, the format should work. If you want, we can schedule a video meet and I can explain how to use it with your data. The Plotly documentation is not ideal in that regard.
I think I will also add some simple API to work with geojson directly. It won't require a lot of work.
sure, whenever you want
Added support for OpenStreetMap
We will have a technical meeting on that today. Plotly.kt-geo meet Saturday, August 28 · 17:00 – 18:00 Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/neq-qhsx-jvz
Moscow time