I am going to make an open seminar this Friday eve...
# science
I am going to make an open seminar this Friday evening about MC simulations with kotlin and coroutines. If anyone wants to attend, I can make it in English.
https://research.jetbrains.org/groups/npm/seminars?id=384 If anybody English-speaking will come, we will do it in English.
I'd be interested in attending. What time/which timeZone?
Moscow time
Sorry, should have looked at the announcement link. Regardless, I cannot attend as I have a work conflict 😞
It is OK. I hope I will manage a recording. The discussion will be fairly technical. I just want to start a discussion about it and stimulate people doing some simulations in Kotlin.
I used to write these types of simulations in C many years ago. Would be also interested to see how they look/run in Kotlin
They work briliantly. Coroutines are world changer for such things. Actually, normail visualization is the only thing we were missing to make it work perfectly. And now we have it. We've started an ambitious project called SimBa for coroutine-based Monte-Carlo engine, which uses Bayesian probability propagation. Not manpower (and no Money) right now, but it is the thing I want to work on in comming years.
My Russian is pretty rusty, but if you do make a recording I'd like to have a look at it... thank you
Here is the recording:
