<@U0BA5R9KL> looking at <https://github.com/breand...
# science
@breandan looking at https://github.com/breandan/kaliningraph (again). Looks superb and documentation is the best as always.
Hi @altavir, thanks for the shout out! It’s just a research prototype right now, but I released it in case anyone else wants to play around with graphs or share feedback. It’s based on some ideas in algebra and inductive graph processing, there is a good paper I recently discovered that summarizes our approach pretty well. Although it’s written in Haskell, the approach translates pretty well to other languages. https://github.com/snowleopard/alga-paper/releases/download/final/algebraic-graphs.pdf I also wrote about some of those ideas here in case anyone is interested: http://breandan.net/2020/06/30/graph-computation/#graphs-inductively
I wonder if something like this could be applied to MST processing and visualization. I've included very simple tree reduction already (automatic substitution of numeric expressions). But I am not sure where it could go next.
You might have a chat with @Mikhail Belyaev, I think he is working on some related topics: https://github.com/vorpal-research/SymKt/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/ru/spbstu/Symbolics.kt https://github.com/vorpal-research/LogicKt
I've also been playing around with this project called symja, which has a pretty sophisticated rewrite/reduction system based on abstract algebra, it also supports expression simplification: https://github.com/axkr/symja_android_library/blob/77686fff4e41b7864af0aa7cbf45ae0cdf759a03/symja_android_library/doc/functions/Simplify.md
Interesting. I think for now we will focus on computation contexts and evaluating those symbolic expressions effectively, but if someone wants to do fuly symbolic computations it is quite easy to implement on top.