:trollface: <https://hackernoon.com/why-python-is-...
# science
Oh, yeah, yet another useless article. The comparison with Java is obviously completely wrong, but even for C++ he highlighted wrong problems.
Such rhetoric by the author, 100% convinced
>> Java is a compiled language while Python is an interpreted language. Just to be clear on this, compiled indicates that the program can only run on the platform it was compiled on and thus Java bites the dust.
Yeah, he probably never tried to run a python-based web-server.
My experience with Python was: fun to write, hard to maintain, miserable to deploy. That was about 8 years ago though.
It is more or less the same now. But fun to write ends when you step beyond numpy core capabilities
I re-read this article in Ron Burgundy's voice, then it was pretty funny. There's either a lot of hubris or trolling here. Either way, sad to see articles getting lower in quality especially on Hackernoon.
"C++ gains this advantage by being a statistically typed language"
I assumed that was a typo, until I saw how misinformed the rest of the article was, now I'm not so sure.
yeah most of medium blogs are full of those useless articles by a bunch of "i-can-be-a-leader-in-tech-too"