My poster from ongoing ACAT-2019 conference
# science
My poster from ongoing ACAT-2019 conference
Neat poster, surprised to see it’s an SVG. One comment, if Java has a large memory footprint, wouldn’t Kotlin as well? Although I guess K/N could have a small memory footprint?
I've done it in Visio and was very pleased with experience. I've exported it to svg and then used Inkscape to convert it to print-ready pdf.
As for memory footprint, you are of course correct. But I do not think that it is really important for desktop development. Also they say that openj9 significantly optimized it.
I just expected to see symmetry in the drawbacks since they are both JVM based 🙂 I also found the quote
A good programmer could write in any language, but good programmers rarely work in physics.
amusing, because it’s true from what little I’ve seen of physics code. Although I think you might be able to make that argument for any field just because “good programmers” are disappointingly uncommon 😞
Yeah. The problem that physicists consider themselves good programmers from 1970s (when they really were). And have a lot of bad habits from using C++
I did not copy all of the benefits as well. So it seems fair.
Fair enough. I also just noticed a small typo in case you are planning on re-using the poster at some point:
One need a modern language with good tooling to write scientific libraries.
should be
One needs
We need
depending on what you were going for. Anyway, thanks for sharing the poster!
I noticed it too. After I mounded the poster 🙂 I am not sure it is possible to create a poster without tipos.
Oh no. It is another one. 😞
n thats mentioned on there leads to a 404
Yeah, thanks, second s is missing
@altavir It's possible to avoid typos. Just send it to me before making it a poster 😜
There really is a fetichism of c++ in scientists
@altavir I do all my posters in inkscape directly (and use for complex schemes drawings)
I can say. They were not happy with my anti-C++ rethorics