<@U5F0TT0UX> I would like that a lot. I may not in...
# science
@altavir I would like that a lot. I may not include some of the machine learning stuff in 2.0 at first, other than the naive Bayes classifier. But I do need to port all the core functionality that uses statistics distributions.
OK I will do it, maybe even today if I am lucky. For now stuck with gradle.
Are there any specific reason to use
Finacial operations?
It does not seem to actually improve accuracy
usually, must not use float/double type for operations with money.
The problem is that BigDecimal does not exist it common.
I've created a branch with MPP build most of functionality in common module, but had to leave commons-math in jvm. I will reimplement some things from it later. Also I left some `FIXME`s in places where I changed original code. And fixed some incorrect tests and dead code.
@altavir mostly convenience if user domain objects have BigDecimal properties. Not critical to have especially since the advanced Statistics operations convert them to double anyway
Awesome! I'll take a look when I get to my desk
Ideally in the long run I'd like to get off Apache Commons Math and only have Kotlin dependencies (if any) like kmath
You actually use a tiny fraction of common Sense math. I can translate it when I have time. But it won't require a lot of work
👍 1