Some folks at Square also believe xml UIs are the ...
# splitties
Some folks at Square also believe xml UIs are the past and made this: What do you think about it? Also, any thoughts relative to Splitties Views DSL?
@louiscad Thanks a lot for a link! From the first point of view looks quite promising (and much better than Compose 🙂 ). If talking about DSL API generations, I would mark Anko as 1st generation (too linked to Android activities, not so flexible with custom views), Splitties DSL as 2nd generation (beautiful Ui interface, out-of-box support for any custom View), and probably Contour is the 3rd generation.
@ispbox Is there something you prefer in Contour? Is the 3rd generation better than the 2nd 😅 ?
And things you prefer in Splitties Views DSL rather than Contour? I have to admit I didn't dug deep into it yet.
I'm impressed with the following sample:
Copy code
leftTo { 
  if ( parent.left()
  else nameView.right()
Also it is definitely cool to have context-aware API. That is a long lasting problem of Android views and layout parameters 🙂
I didn't dig deeper as well (it looks like they are just on the way, and it is not stable enough for production). I think that Splitties is much better suited for production compared to Anko and Contour 🙂 Splitties just give you better Android views, and Contour tries to provide new kind of views, with its own layout system. It definitely requires respect and honor 😉
And this line looks ugly:
Copy code
setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 18f)
The ugly line also isn't accessibility friendly.
Took a look at their sample. I'm not convinced finally. But wish these guys good luck!