I migrated to Android Studio 3.5, and found a very...
# splitties
I migrated to Android Studio 3.5, and found a very strange bug in Code Analysis - in runs in a cycle on my Splitties DSL files because of internal crashes. I tried to localize the problem, and found that the root cause is in AppCompat split. It fails on the following declaration:
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private val appCompatStyles = AppCompatStyles(ctx)
    private val buttons = appCompatStyles.button

    val button = buttons.default {
while the following replacement works well:
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val button = view<AppCompatButton>(::AppCompatButton){
My initial idea was to file a bug for JetBrains, but looks like the problem is in Splitties, see attachment. Am I wrong?
Compilation goes fine for both cases. And my problem is that file is not analysed, while AS is busy at 99% of CPU.
IDEA log contains direct message to report the problem to JetBrains, so I did that: https://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/KT-33521
Do you have the same issue if you don't put
in a property and use it only when creating a button?
@louiscad, yes, the problem is still there if I move styles to method:
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val appCompatStyles = AppCompatStyles(ctx)
            val buttons = appCompatStyles.button
            val crashingButton = buttons.default { }
For now I just replaced few usages with generic view instantiation (
) and code analysis works perfectly.
It's weird. I don't use
nowadays since I moved to
, but they are very similar and it works fine for me on AS 3.5.0 and Kotlin 1.3.50. I'm using the latest dev version of Splitties though, compiled with 1.3.41.
I just tested with Material styles:
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val materialStyles = MaterialComponentsStyles(ctx)
            val buttons =  materialStyles.button
            val crashingButton = buttons.outlined { }
The problem is the same. I guess we should wait for JetBrains answer.