It looks like that sometimes Android Studio (3.4.2...
# splitties
It looks like that sometimes Android Studio (3.4.2) fails to perform code analysis for files with Splitties UI. Actually it does that after reload/invalidation, but during code creation it sometimes annoys. Does someone experience the same behavior? I expect that the problem is on Kotlin compiler side, am I right?
See commented out lines with width/height. They are processed incorrectly by Android Studio, they should be all in grey.
It's not related to Splitties. It's just the IDE or Kotlin plugin having some issues. I'm not having particular issues in my case, it's just Kotlin code that works like the rest of the code. I'm using 3.5 (RC 3 for now).
Yes, I understand, that this is not because of Splitties, because finally it gets processed. Will give a try for AS 3.5 maybe next week.
FYI, I just encountered a preview bug regarding theme attributes (in 3.5 RC 3):