Hey y'all! I'm traveling back to the States today....
# arrow-meta
Hey y'all! I'm traveling back to the States today. I'm continuing to work on the quote-and-template system this week, and I was wondering if anyone would like to join a Google meet this Friday to get a crash course on AST parsing and the Kotlin compiler and compiler plugins on Arrow-meta?
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I might join it
what does friday evening means in the states? :S I would love to join. Thanks for the opportunity! ๐Ÿ™‚ answerer: 9-5 CST
Sounds great! @tschuchort @kioba please let me know your time zones and if you're in Europe, afternoon or evening works best.
7-9PM GMT+1 would be best for me
Iโ€™m in
London GMT+0
, that works for me as well ๐Ÿ™‚
That's great! I'll make sure it's on the calendar and I can send you an invite so its on yours as well. Feel free to DM me your emails so we can make sure the times are correct and its also on your calendar (I'm not the best with time zones)
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Hey everyone, I believe this is the correct time slot - let me know if this is wrong but I will go ahead and create the calendar invite:
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sounds perfect! ๐Ÿ™‚
If the time needs to change, I'm pretty flexible!
is this a public remote crash course? can anyone interested in AST parsing but with limited knowledge of kotlin compiler plugins join it? how to join it , in case?
Yes - I will post the link the day of! But I can also send you an invite if you send me an email
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DM sent ๐Ÿ™‚