<@U0BLPSJAK>, something wrong with division :sligh...
# korge
@Deactivated User, something wrong with division 🙂
okay the problem was because of big precision (this is a standard in cryptoworld)
this also causes problems when using
times (*)
operator, since it under the hood twices the scale
can you provide an
that fails and create an issue at github? thanks in advanc
Okay, I will do that asap
ready, added my comment on the issue https://github.com/korlibs/kbignum/issues/6
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This is not related to division, it's kind of overflow of something, I don't know, but I really need this fix :(
what do you mean about it not being related to div? can you reproduce it with another operation?
I was going to check sometime this weekend, not sure if I will have time before, but if you have more info or other operations that fail, please provide them so I can check them along the div when I have some time to check
Sorry, my miss! The problem was that .bi does not take radix in my case. But it's an another issue, please make it to throw an exceptions if there is an unknown symbols...
and also the problem was that there is
oh i see
well, we can support that I guess
Thanks to you a lot for your work! K
K 1
Good job!
@Deactivated User when can you publish the new library version?
I didn't have plans for any soon release. Since I usually publish releases for all the libraries at once when there is significative work. But since it seems you need it, I have backported the changes to the kbignum repo, and triggered a build here: • https://github.com/korlibs/kbignum/releases/tag/v2.4.1.1https://github.com/korlibs/kbignum/actions/runs/1233972729
Thanks a lot again 😁
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