This is a pretty open question because I'm not sur...
# korge
This is a pretty open question because I'm not sure if it's me that I'm doing something wrong, it's mostly probable that's the case... My scene shows a set of images that last for a few seconds before disappearing. Then almost immediately a new image is shown in a random coordinate in the scene. The timings are random too, so everything is random when/where the images appear. If the user touch any of those images then the same process happens, the image disappears and a new one is generated. What I'm seeing is that a flickering effect occurs during this process. The images that are being shown flicker, they disappear/appear in the same position, but almost instantly, no more than a few millis. It's important to clarify that the position is the same, so it's nearly impossible to have the same image appear on the same position as part of the game logic's process. It seems to be something more related to a repaint of the scene, or something like that. Any clues?
can you record a video showing the issue'
of course
one minute please
@Deactivated User it's not suuuper obvious, but can be easily seen
I have just checked frame by frame, and I can see two different things
there is like a small circle or glow that disappears along the ball, but disappears with a transition
And another thing is that the ball from the middle, disappears 1 frame
do you believe it could be a logic issue on my side, misconfiguration, korge's issue ?
not sure, I would have to check, because that's pretty strange. Never noticed a similar issue. Can you reproduce that on the JVM?
yeah, on both platforms
havent tested on mac
will give it a try now
okay, on jvm would be easier to figure out what's going on
there was no exceptions, right?
how do you load / change the image on the center?
no exceptions
let me check the image changing, but I believe it's pretty straightforward, removeFromParent and later add a new image