Soon GitHub will start GameJam <https://github.blo...
# korge
Soon GitHub will start GameJam Who will join?
👾 6
It could be a good opportunity to create a new sample for KorGE, but I don't have any art and sound skills to create something good enough for the game jam.
I can make template to automatic deploy html version with GitHub Actions
When new commits will pushed to master (main) branch. Deploy will start and publish html version to GitHub pages.
@RezMike Which version of Korge is the better to take? Stable v1.15.1, or newer 2.0.0-alpha ?
I think you should try 2.0.0-alpha
👍 2
there is a lot of changes that are not fully compatible with previous versions
Actually current master and the alpha version has a few small changes. Wanted to release this october, but final version will be released along Kotlin 1.4.20 since 1.4.10 has a bug with the JavaScript backend that is failing right now. The API at this point is almost final unless major design flaw are found. We might make an early version this week including an eap version of the compiler that will require extra repos on the build.gradle to include a eap of the RC for 1.4.20
I think for now is better to use jvm version. There are no restrictions in GitHub Hackaton rules.
Just found that 1.4.20-M1 is on central. Going to make an RC release now using that one if JS compiles fine on that version
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👍 2
Yeah! It works on JS! Cool! I will make fork with deploy to GitHub Pages, and share it here.
@Deactivated User @RezMike I made auto deploy JS game with github actions on this repo: Also i made little workaround in korge-next: If it's ok - i will simplify this template. Also I think it's better put this template in korlibs organization.
By the way. May be you can add me to korlibs team. I can put this template project dirrectly in korlibs.
uhm, sorry I didn't notice this. The template is for using it with korge-next? I have just released 2.0.0-rc2 including all what was on korge-next already (hopefully)
@Deactivated User Yes, this template can be used with korge-next, but need to have workaround. I will change this template to use 2.0.0-rc2 without workarounds!
@Deactivated User I made PR to korge-hello-world
If you want to contribute further, we can discuss adding you to the org. If it is just for the repo, maybe we can just create the branch or adjust the workflow to create the branch itself