Is <Klock> library can be used in Kotlin Multiplat...
# korge
Is Klock library can be used in Kotlin Multiplatform project with IOS ?
But I have such kind of error while compiling using `linkDebugFrameworkIosX`:
skipping .../com.soywiz.korlibs.klock/klock-iosx64/1.7.3/14e91dc6a7968f440e545ac1632d0cf5faaab2b8/klock.klib. The abi versions don't match. Expected '[22]', found '14'. The library produced by 1.3.50-release-11850 compiler
I can't help you here, we need @Deactivated User
🙌 1
That kind of error usually means the versions don’t match. For native, you typically need to use the same Kotlin version that the library was compiled with. It looks like you’re using 1.3.50, you might need to upgrade to 1.3.72 (Or maybe it’s the other way around, and you should downgrade to 1.3.50)
âś… 1
Yes, you are right, this is connected to the differences of versions (I used kotlin 1.3.72 and for this version I need to use klock 1.11.14)
thanks, guys)