Are the old website examples that were on the home...
# korge
Are the old website examples that were on the homepage still hosted live somewhere?
Mmm, I guess not. Why are you missing them? We can upload them somewhere else
Mainly to show them to people or for super quick reference. They have a nice "wow" factor for people. I really like the new website branding. It really brings things together with an official look across all of the content. But there are a couple things I miss from the old layout. Whenever I wanted to show Korge to someone I could send them to the home page. The immediately understand what it is without reading any of the details. Those demo's running next to the code were really impressive. Without reading anything people would just start playing around with them. The only thing I always wished was for them to be editable in the website. My new wishlist for the site would be: Demo's front and center on the banner again, the features to open in-place instead of linking and their tiles to take up less room maybe be to the side of the displayed feature? Anyways, really great to see all the updates, both the modern professional look and the Korge engine itself 🙂
Nice. Thanks for the feedback! Would be nice to support exiting it. Thats something I personally wanted, but it is technically complicated and would require backend stuff since the compiler cannot be compiled into JS/webassembly right now. A section in the new website would work for you? I mean: Not displaying sample/code on the top of the website, but in a subpage or in a section on the landing page. The other suggestions like the features opening in place is something that we can do. The main problem here is time. I think that feedback makes sense but right now Im focusing on korge 2.0, so im not really sure when could I do that unless someone else makes a PR. The old code is still on the git history
I think a page for the demos would be great! I'd still prefer them on the splash with the cool new background behind them but on another page would definitely work for showing them off just fine 🙂 I hear you on time--If it weren't for a few pressing things I have going on this year I would've been keen on supporting PRs. (I just realized the site was on GitHub, nice)
Slightly off topic: I have a page of notes from the Korge GameJam; It's a list of issues I encountered during the jam. Some of them might be proper (but minor) bugs while others are caused by my lack of knowledge on Korge. I haven't had a chance to triage the list to find out which is which so it's sat in my scratches. Would it be helpful for me to upload the list un-filtered somewhere?
@arocnies, regarding the list - yeah, it will be helpful for us, when we start working on updating korge documentation, so we can understand what we are missing in explaining
Cool. I'll post it as a snippet to this thread sometime tomorrow
👍 1
Oops! Forgot to post earlier. Again, a lot of it was just my own misunderstandings. Each line is one item.
Copy code
Error when using a module and not providing `mapPrototype` for each scene in the injector is not clear on what the fix may be
A module's virtual size is called `size` and the docs should say it's equivalent like the docs for "resolution" do.
It's unclear how Scene.pushTo and Scene.changeTo differ.
VirtualHeight when retrieved from `stage` is called `unscaledWidth` and `unscaledHeight`, which is unclear.
When changing using both anchor to center_middle and centerOn, the centerOn behaves does not center correctly as it tries to position it for the default anchor.
On the docs site, the sample links are broken
A custom Component example would be nice (Mentioned in the docs). Help answer use case and why a `View` is in the component constructor (probably javadoc explaining the field, and how one creates constructs non DSL components, and the basic component type is "Deprecated" in `getOrCreateCompent`, which is useful for creating. Looks like you should use `getOrCreateComponentOther` but docs don't tell you.
Components with only properties and no behavior.
No explanation given to why UpdateComponent (and other component methods) are deprecated, especially when they are required to be implemented.
No explanation for why `getOrCreateComponent` is deprecated--it's also the only similar method that is documented with what it does.
View properties are mutable but docs say they aren't. Add delegates with types to allow for easy `xVel: Double by props`
Why no guidance on custom events? Events are powerful and I'd like to create components that talk via them
"Pressing" and "justPressed" a key isn't defined in the `keys.pressing` method
The method `Component.attach<T>()` is marked as deprecated with the comment "Unoptimized". But it's useful for untyped components and custom components. Why is it marked deprecated?
The method `View.addOrCreateComponent` doesn't clearly say it will attach the new component if it creates one. Creating a component is different than attaching it and the language should be consistent or documented.
The method `removeComponents(c: KClass<out Component>)` is deprecated with no information or reason given.
The class `UpdateComponentWithViews` seems really useful for getting things like `input` but docs don't tell you why you any "why"s for it's purpose. The doc only repeats the name of the class.
It would be nice to set a callback to a component when that component is removed from the view. And events for other view lifecycle actions (like any change in property, a parent/child being added or removed, etc). This would help with things like `Container.keepChildrenSortedBy()` to not run every update like it does now.
What is a `JellyButton`? No docs.
No method for checking if a view has a component similar to `hasProp()`. You can only `getOrCreate...()`
The property `Container.children` is documented saying it should not be used. The alternatives suggested are not good for performing nice functional operations or easily creating a `Sequence` of the children.
The `View` class has properties for `globalX` and `globalY` but there's no `globalPos`.
The method `View.addTo(instance, callback)` doesn't have much documentation. What is its purpose? The callback seems to just immediately run.
An example for using a Scene with a mounted `resourcesVfs` would be helpful in the docs where it is suggested.
The use and difference of `sceneInit` and `sceneMain` are unclear from the in code docs.
The `UpdateComponentV2` does not have a option to include "views" like `UpdateComponentWithViews`
Korge plugin for intellij generates a new project with an old version of Korge.
The `IPoint` class is deprecated but some methods, for example, the TiledMap `getPos` only returns `IPoint` objects
TiledMap displays closed polygons in white when a polyline has more than two points and does not show anything if the polyline has two points.
Using the Korge intellij plugin to generate a scene creates a function with `suspend` before `override` which produces a warning
Could you reformat it like • first • second • third ? It would make it easier to read
Never mind, I'll do it myself later
👍 1