Is anyone else woking on the UI stuff or the 3D st...
# korge
Is anyone else woking on the UI stuff or the 3D stuff ? I would like to make some additions and provide a pull request.
Some work on UI. No plans for 3D stuff from our side for KorGE 2.0. But PRs are welcome. If plan to contribute in that direction, please use this repo that targets Kotlin 1.4 and will be released during september:
I have started with that one. thx. Do you want small increments, or fully complete and tested features.?
Due to the nature of the project as a contributor, I’d say small increments if possible so we can discuss and be aligned about the evolution of the feature before investing a large amount of time. In the end it should also be tested. If you believe it is better for that feature to be implemented as a whole, we can discuss the details beforehand here or in a call
fine by me. I'll give you a pull of the current state. Basically I've copied some of the 2D stuff, to create 3D version of it. at the moment mainly the MeshBuilder3D for creating 3D shapes, and adding Text (text stuff is still work in progress)
Nice. Ty
seems to be either (1) problem with the specular/shininess implementation, or (2) I'm using it wrong. I cannot get the effects illustrated here
3D is super experimental, we focused on 2D for now, so it is likely that this is a problem with the implementation
There are other known issues like the skinning/bones implementation is not working correctly. And missing stuff like raycasting the scene for detecting collisions, etc.
ok, then I will look in to it
👍 1
I also noticed that the +ve/-ve seems to be reversed from what I would expect on the 'x' coord in 3D. I would expect: • X : left is -ve, right is +ve • Y: up is +ve, down is -ve • Z: into the screen -ve, out is +ve ( If this is an unintentional bug, I will look into it (maybe I just did something else wrong).
Probably unintended. Since it is experimental if you think makes sense that way, feel free to change it