I think that the dependency image in '<https://kor...
# korge
I think that the dependency image in 'https://korlibs.soywiz.com/' needs an update. A click on korui gives an error 404. Is korui still active ?
Was removed before 1.0
and it is likely to be restored on 2.0
is there specific plans around korui?
reason being that I want to build some common platform 'forms' and related widgets. I was thinking on building on korui, but not sure what the current status and plan for it is ?
I planned to restore it this week, but the implementation only worked for JVM, JS and Android
and I plan to restore it specially for AWT
Still this is available on korge-next for now
so will be released with Koitlin 1.4 and Korge 2.0
ok, thx