Secondly, This is more of a Question|Feature, Can ...
# korge
Secondly, This is more of a Question|Feature, Can a Korge Application be embedded inside a normal application? If not, can that feature be added? If yes, HOW?
You can embed in an android app. It was possible in the past to embed in an awt app. Which targets are you interested in embed?
Android, Js and Jvm
Not sure if korgw creates a fullscreen canvas or if it checks if it exists some canvas already there. On the JVM it was possible but we have to enable that use-case again (we are going to need it for the IntelliJ plugin). And on Android it is already possible and some people are doing that
Can I get and android sample code?
Not done myself so cant provide you code. We might add a sample in the future. But in the end if you look at build/platforms/android in the sec folder, there is some code. There is an activity called KorgwActivity. So you can use that activity or a View doing the code in the activity. There is an unmerged PR in korgw adding a View to korgw in addition to the activity so you can embed in a view too